Vendor Guidelines

Thank you for requesting information about Norwood’s vibrant new marketplace 
showcasing quality antique, vintage, crafts and consignments. 
Main Street Vintage is located at 830 N Main Norwood


Booth Rentals: Booths vary in size depending on the needs of each dealer and floor space available. Booths will be rented on a first-come, first-served basis.  Vendors are required to pay the first months rent in advance by move-in date. The rental contract is extended on a month-to-month basis.  Dealers may stock their booth anytime during store hours.  The vendor or Main Street Vintage management may terminate the rental agreement by submitting a 30-day notice. If a 30-day notice is not given the full month’s rent will still be due before any merchandise is allowed to be moved out.

Rent Due: Rent is due the first day of the month for that month. Rent will be deducted from accumulated sales of the previous month.  If rent exceeds sales then payment by the vendor is due by the 8th of the month, vendor needs to contact management to see what, if any, rent is due.  If rent is not paid by the 8th, a $5 late fee will be applied to the account, unsold merchandise cannot be removed from the store until rent is paid in full.  Rent extends from the first day of the month to the last day of the month. When rent becomes more than 60 days overdue and Main Street Vintage has made attempts to contact vendor, Main Street Vintage has the right to box up and remove items from booth, terminate contract and rent booth to another vendor. A statement of sales will be given with check each month, please retain copies for your records as Main Street Vintage does not provide 1099s.

 Sales Tax: Main Street Vintage will be responsible for the collection and payment of sales taxes to the Treasurer, State of North Carolina.  Dealers may not use Main Street Vintage’s sales tax number for their personal use.

Pay Periods: The close of business on the last day of the month is the cut-off date for processing sales. Checks to dealers may be picked up after 1 pm on the eighth day of the following month. One month’s rent and all commissions are deducted from the sales.  A statement of the month’s sales activity will be provided with the check.

Vendor Identification: Only individuals with permission of the vendor (owner of merchandise) will be allowed to remove unsold items or pick up checks from Main Street Vintage.

Pricing: Dealers must furnish their own tags. Items placed in a booth must have a price tag with readable notations on the front: Vendor ID, Price and Item Description.
Any other information the vendor deems necessary should be written on the back of the price tag. To protect the vendor, prices cannot be crossed out and replaced by another price written on the tag. Price tags must be securely fastened to merchandise. Vendors are responsible for tagging their own merchandise. Vendors choosing to use permanent self-stick tags may not dispute any issues with potential errors made by Main Street Vintage during the checkout of merchandise.

Discounts: Main Street Vintage reserves the right to offer a ten percent (10%) discount on items without FIRM specifications on the tag if a customer asks for a discount or price reduction. If you do not want an item discounted please be sure to mark item FIRM. It is our policy to first call the vendor, if no answer a 10% discount may be offered. The discount will not be given on items already being discount by a vendor booth sale.

Housekeeping: Vendors are responsible for keeping their own space and merchandise clean and orderly.  Main Street Vintage is responsible for maintenance of aisles, rest rooms and the common areas of the market. NO SMOKING!

Prohibited Sales: Management of Main Street Vintage reserves the right to prohibit any item from being sold on the premises. All sales will go through Main Street Vintage cash register, this includes in store merchandise and custom orders that originate at Main Street Vintage. Any sale that does not go through the register will violate this agreement and serve as cause to terminate it. Vendors working in their booths may “deal” or reduce a price to a customer but are not allowed to complete the sale on premises without going through the register. All merchandise must be that of the vendor. Main Street Vintage does not allow pornography (as determined by management), or the sale of weapons, hazardous or combustible material, large appliances, power tools, electronics or animals. Management reserves the right to refuse any merchandise we feel is inappropriate. Flea market and yard sale merchandise is not allowed. Clothing is not allowed unless vintage or approved by Main Street. Food or Plant items must be approved by Management.

Booth Sales: Continuous booth sales are not allowed. Sales must include all items in booth, unless item is marked FIRM. Please make a note on your Sale Sign that "Items Listed as "Firm" are not Included in Sale". Main Street Vintage must be informed of any sales discounts and the sale time frame.

Displays: All sales merchandise must be kept WITHIN each vendor’s assigned space. Customer walkways shall not be obstructed by merchandise. We ask that vendors make an attempt to work their booths monthly; an ever changing booth makes for more sales! Main Street Vintage is not responsible for inventory management within individual booths; the vendor is responsible for keeping a record of all items within their booth. Vendors must show any boxes, totes or merchandise leaving the store to Management upon request, this is to insure the integrity of all parties involved.

All Laws Apply: Vendors shall abide at all times by the codes, ordinances, and regulations of the city, county, state and other governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the conduct of the vendor’s business.

Move-Out: Move-outs shall occur on or before the last day of the current rental period.  Holdovers will be charged an additional rent.  Management must be given a 30-day notice in advance of a move-out. Vendor must settle all over due rent charges and damages before removing merchandise from Main Street Vintage on move-out day.

Credit Cards, Debit Cards and Checks: Main Street Vintage will not accept checks, cash or credit/debit cards only. Main Street Vintage will accept payment by MasterCard, Visa and Discover credit and debit cards.

Losses and Insurance: Vendor is responsible for his or her own insurance & premise liability. Main Street Vintage will not be responsible for any loss or damage of merchandise, property or equipment, either from natural or unnatural causes, such as theft, breakage, fire, flood, wind, rain, or any other cause whatsoever.

Assignment: The vendor may not assign or transfer booth space to another person.

Indemnification: The vendor holds harmless Main Street Vintage from any and all loss, damage or liability occasioned or growing out of or arising from any default, error or negligent act on the part of the vendor.

Contract Changes: Main Street Vintage reserves the right to revise this contract and establish new monthly rentals rates at any time.